Couples therapy & sexual therapy in Berlin & online
We are
at your side
We are by your side so that you can have the relationship you want.

Katharina Middendorf is a communications graduate (Berlin University of the Arts), state-certified alternative practitioner for psychotherapy (HPG), author and entrepreneur. She founded the yoga brand nivata® in 2008. She was certified as a systemic sexual therapist by Dr. Ulrich Clement (IGST Heidelberg) and as a systemic couples therapist by Dr. Arnoldt Retzer (SID). Her work with couples is also influenced by workshops and clinical internships with Dr. David Schnarch (Crucible Therapy®). Katharina Middendorf is a member of the German Society for Sexual Research (DGfS) and has been the author of the “Myths of Love” column in the Tagesspiegel since 2022. In addition to her work as a couples and sexual therapist, she has headed the communications department of a Berlin foundation since 2018.

Ralf Sturm
Ralf Sturm is a business graduate, state-certified alternative practitioner for psychotherapy (HPG), author and lecturer in systemic counseling and therapy. He has been practicing and teaching meditation and mindfulness since 1998 (with H.H. Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, among others). He was certified as a systemic sexual therapist by Dr. Ulrich Clement (IGST Heidelberg) and as a systemic couple therapist by Dr. Arnoldt Retzer (SID). His work with couples is also influenced by workshops and clinical internships with Dr. David Schnarch (Crucible Therapy®). Ralf Sturm is a member of the German Society for Sexual Research (DGfS) and has been the author of the “Myths of Love” column in the Tagesspiegel since 2022.
“I would like to highlight an important approach of my colleagues, Katharina and Ralf: ‘The art is to remain true to yourself and at the same time be effective in the relationship’. As a couples and sexual therapist, I can only endorse that!”
– Ann-Marlene Henning in the foreword to our book “Ready for love” –

On site & online
It is normal for love, relationships and partnerships to change over time. The initial infatuation often gives way to reproaches, arguments and resignation. Especially when children, a new job, illnesses or external relationships come along, there are challenges that often cannot be overcome alone.
We will be happy to advise you:
- constant disputes
- misunderstandings
- thoughts of separation
- affairs
- and all relationship problems that cause stress.
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On site & online
Sexual therapy
Sexuality is often not discussed at all or not discussed enough in relationships. Especially when the body, the relationship and the desire changes. Everyday life, stress, sexual dysfunction, listlessness and ageing often influence the initial joy of one’s own and shared sexuality. We are here to support you.
We will be happy to advise you:
- Lack of desire
- Orgasm difficulties
- Erectile dysfunction
- Questions about pornography
- sexual preferences and all questions about your sexuality
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On site
Intensive Days
The couple intensive days can show you a way out of the crisis. The aim is to put your partnership on a trusting footing, e.g. after affairs or external relationships. You will learn to understand and change ingrained relationship patterns and their interactions, as well as new ways of communicating your needs.
How we can advise you:
- Session 01: The eight-eye conversation
- Session 02: One-on-one conversations
- Session 03: Looking into the eyes
- Session 04: Online check-in
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Get in Touch
Please feel free to use the contact form for your first inquiry or send us an e-mail directly to:
You can also leave a message on our answering machine. You can reach us on the telephone number 030 983 759 22
We will get back to you within 24 hours.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Ralf Sturm and Katharina Middendorf

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